Uncategorized – www.pbfeducation.org http://www.pbfeducation.org Master Your Academic Paper Writing Skills Thu, 30 Sep 2021 13:29:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.pbfeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/604/2020/09/cropped-pencil-32x32.png Uncategorized – www.pbfeducation.org http://www.pbfeducation.org 32 32 Easy Steps for Your Research Paper http://www.pbfeducation.org/easy-steps-for-your-research-paper.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/easy-steps-for-your-research-paper.html#respond Thu, 30 Sep 2021 13:29:52 +0000 http://www.pbfeducation.org/?p=64 Continue reading "Easy Steps for Your Research Paper" →]]> The research paper is one of the more challenging projects in senior high or college, guaranteed to give students nearly sleepless nights as they do their best to finish on time. Aside from giving students much practice in writing and researching, these papers also enhance critical thinking while providing in-depth knowledge on the topic. This is why teachers value this assignment, even if their students disagree.

Easy steps to help

So if you are facing a research paper this semester, consider the following to help you.

  1. Read and then choose a topic

Choosing a topic for your paper will not be easy. You cannot just copy what someone else did, and you have to ensure your study can be done. So the first step is to read a lot about possible topics for you, then select something you like that is also manageable.

  1. Make your thesis statement

The thesis statement is what your paper is centered on. It must be realistic and doable. For example, if you said that “Money is what motivates most professional athletes,” you better ensure you have access to data about this or that you can interview real sports stars. If not, you will have to adjust your statement to something you can do:  Earning big money in the future is what motivates high school basketball players to make it to practice every day.

  1. Get resources

Your paper needs support from a lot of resources. To get them, you need to check the books, journals, and other information available in your school library. You can then check online for related researches in online journals or digital libraries.

  1. Make an outline

To stay organized as you write, it is good to create an outline. Here, you will quickly jot down the arguments, connected theories, and supporting facts. If you did this well, the writing process will become easier, as you can refer to your outline.

  1. Writing itself

After conducting your experiment or observation, it will be time to write everything down. Following your outline (#4) is of big help, so ensure you do that. But you will also need to schedule a time to write every week. Discipline is required for this paper, so sacrifice this semester for a good grade.

  1. Consider the style guide

Research papers often follow a style guide such as APA or MLA. Make sure you know which one to use before you begin writing and apply the guideline as you write. This will save you a lot of time later on as you do not have to go back to revise your citations.

  1. Proofread your work

Before submitting your paper, make sure you have it proofread. If you are tired of looking at your work, hire someone else to take a look for you. Even though the research itself is important, you may have big deductions if your paper is filled with typos.


The research paper is a challenging project designed to improve your research skills. Although difficult, it can be done if you follow the steps above. Good luck!

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Possible Topics for Your Research Paper http://www.pbfeducation.org/possible-topics-for-your-research-paper.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/possible-topics-for-your-research-paper.html#respond Thu, 30 Sep 2021 13:29:44 +0000 http://www.pbfeducation.org/?p=63 Continue reading "Possible Topics for Your Research Paper" →]]> In many aspects of life, the beginning is often the hardest part. The same is true in a research paper, especially if you are given the option to choose. If you are currently facing the difficulty of selecting your topic, read on to learn what to do.

Go with your interest

If your teacher allows you to choose, it makes sense to go with something of interest. School is already tough enough. If you select a topic you do not like, life in school will become harder for you as it will be more challenging to read and write.

Confirm there are resources

Picking a topic that is close to your heart does not guarantee that you will have enough resources to support it. So after choosing something, take a look online and in your library to ensure there are enough studies and theories to help you.

Topics to consider

Now, if you are having trouble coming up with a great topic, take a look at the following options.

Culture and religion

  • The influence of Western culture on Asians
  • The influence of Eastern culture on the West
  • The key differences between Christians, Muslims, and Jews
  • The spread of Buddhism in Asia
  • How conquests spread religion
  • Should traces of religion be removed from the constitution?
  • Why do many young people choose not to believe in any organized religions?
  • The effects of culture on travel restrictions
  • How businesses are adapting to immigrants in the city


  • Latest techniques in language teaching
  • Is bullying a concern for students about to enter high school?
  • Which is more helpful for remembering lessons, using a gadget or pencil and paper?
  • Are quizzes really necessary in school?
  • Are TV quiz shows helping students to learn?
  • Are audiobooks helpful to kids?
  • How have school shootings affected the anxiety levels of students in the US?
  • How excited are teachers about the use of augmented reality in school?
  • Do bad dreams affect how preschoolers interact in school?

Government and politics

  • Study of communism in the 21st century
  • Study of dictators in the 21st century
  • Why do some governments prefer to have a president and others a prime minister?
  • Does the death penalty really deter crime?
  • Top government conspiracies in the 2000s
  • Top reasons behind the struggles of developing countries
  • Why is genocide still occurring in the 21st century?
  • Can dictatorships be okay if they follow Singapore’s route?
  • How are elections manipulated?


  • Is formula milk really beneficial for babies?
  • Why do some mothers refuse to breastfeed?
  • Is the keto diet helpful to the body?
  • Is it necessary for young children to take vitamin supplements?
  • Why do parents allow their children to eat sugary snacks?
  • Does acupuncture really work?
  • When should a person opt for alternative medicine?
  • How bad is insomnia today?
  • Is reality TV causing depression?


So those were some helpful tips to learn from and an interesting list of possible topics to select. You can use the topics as they are or adjust them to your needs. Choose well!

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The First Part of Your Research Paper: The Introduction http://www.pbfeducation.org/introduciton-part-of-your-research-paper.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/introduciton-part-of-your-research-paper.html#respond Thu, 30 Sep 2021 13:29:06 +0000 http://www.pbfeducation.org/?p=62 Continue reading "The First Part of Your Research Paper: The Introduction" →]]> As in many endeavors in life, the hardest part is often starting it. For your research paper, this means making your introduction.

The Introduction

Like the beginning of a movie, your paper’s introduction sets the mood for the reader. If this is done poorly, the reader may be confused about your paper’s purpose, or the reader may be bored, thinking it is another half-baked effort. 

This is why much effort should be given so that things start well for whoever reads it. 

  1. The Background

The first part of the intro is the background, which provides the reader with information about the context of your paper’s problem. The idea is to assume that whoever is reading the paper is not an expert on the topic, so they will need background info to understand your study’s purpose.

In this part, it is good to include past and current facts to show what the situation was like before compared to now. Be careful, however, not to share too much, or the reader may become confused about what your paper is aiming for.

  1. The Hook

The hook is a writing technique that attempts to attract the reader’s attention. Not all topics are exciting at first glance, so the hook is used to get the reader to feel that it is beneficial for them to read more about what you have written.

The hook may be an important fact or statistic that stands out. It may also be a strong or controversial statement or a popular quote. One more method is to share a related story so that the reader understands the situation more. Regardless, the hook is often integrated into the background somewhere (beginning, middle, or end) that will make the biggest impact.

  1. The Significance

This portion of the introduction directly points out how important your paper is. Here, you state who will benefit from your research so that your reader knows the magnitude of what you are doing.

  1. Scope and limitations

There are many factors involved in a problem. However, not all of these can be investigated at the same time. Thus, the purpose of the scope and limitations is to inform the reader about the boundaries of what you are going to do.

For example, if you are testing the effects of online games on students’ inability to sleep early, you might point out that you only tested certain types of games and not the whole range of games available. You may also say what grade levels were chosen for the study and why.

  1. The thesis statement

The thesis statement is what you believe will happen as you investigate the problem. It is a very important part as your study will revolve around this. A good thesis statement is clear and specific, not ambiguous nor too broad.


Although it is just the initial part of your research paper, the introduction must be done well. So consider the pointers above for your paper to begin well.

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How Reading Improves Your Writing http://www.pbfeducation.org/how-reading-improves-your-writing.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/how-reading-improves-your-writing.html#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 13:41:13 +0000 http://www.pbfeducation.org/?p=58 Continue reading "How Reading Improves Your Writing" →]]> Reading is an action and art that is crucial for one to perfect and be a successful writer. Creative writing comes with a lot of consistent reading. Many students do not take reading seriously, and hence their writing is affected in return. But, one cannot write an article or book if they have never read any. Apart from improving one’s writing skills, reading has a lot of benefits which include the following.

It Helps in Developing Different Styles of Writing

There are plenty of writing styles to choose from. An excellent writer will, however, learn how and when to use different styles by reading more. Different writing styles tell a lot about a writer’s writing approach and how they engage with their audience. Writing styles also reveal a writer’s unique voice and personality. Creative writers often read a lot which helps them nature and familiarizes themselves with different writing styles. Descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive writing styles are the primary and commonly used writing styles.

The descriptive style focuses on describing a character, place, event, or idea using comprehensive information. The narrative focuses on telling a tale through the use of a thrilling plot and attractive characters. Expository style explains a subject without conveying a writer’s thoughts. And lastly, the persuasive style focuses on swaying the reader’s viewpoint to align with that of the writer by using clear evidence and facts.

Reading Expands a Writer’s Vocabulary

Having excellent writing skills means creative writing and perfect writing styles and requires one to have an excellent vocabulary. Reading is the best way of expanding your vocabulary. Brilliant vocabulary makes it easier for the writer to voice their ideas and thoughts seamlessly to their audience. Reading does not just expand your vocabulary by reading but by looking up the meaning of different words and even synonyms if possible. A writer’s capability to use relevant and attractive new words in their writing helps them attract an audience.

The skill of Analytical Thinking

When you research, analyze, and conceptualize detailed information, it gets referred to as analytical thinking.  Therefore reading more articles and books consistently will help you enhance your skills in analytical thinking. So excellent readers can disintegrate complicated information into clear, simple, and comprehensible language.  Reading various types of articles, books, and other written materials constantly helps you develop the necessary skills needed to comprehend and discern information. Apart from that, it helps writers nature their ability to think critically, make decisions and do proper research.

Reading Expands Your Knowledge

To expand your general knowledge, you need to keep reading constantly. With more general knowledge, decision-making and critical thinking get easier as time goes by. It equips you with new information concerning different subjects, factual information, and a train of thoughts that help you better deliver significant information to the targeted readers. Reading expands your knowledge of various writing structures and styles used in all sorts of writing, including academic writing. Creating unique, well-structured, and engaging content for your audience requires a vast knowledge of different writing structures and styles.

Reading Helps a Writer Keep Writing without a Block

Sometimes, a writer is unable to compose new content. That state of mind is known as writer’s block. It mostly happens due to a lack of inspiration to start or continue writing a paper. Constantly reading new and different content gives a writer new ideas and also sharpens their writing skills. Reading is a perfect tool to help a writer start a new article or even finish up one that was left incomplete. It is vital to read different content as that opens up your critical thinking. Writers often draw their inspiration from other writer’s content, and hence reading is a crucial tool to upscaling your writing and thinking ability.


Writing is not only an art but a way of communicating your thoughts and ideas to your audience. Reading acts as a vital tool for improving a writer’s skill. It is crucial to read from one category and diversify your niche to learn more and increase your knowledge on different styles of writing and structures of writing. Developing a reading culture is therefore crucial.

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Tips for Successful Coursework Writing http://www.pbfeducation.org/tips-for-successful-coursework-writing.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/tips-for-successful-coursework-writing.html#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 13:13:10 +0000 http://www.pbfeducation.org/?p=55 Continue reading "Tips for Successful Coursework Writing" →]]> There are certain things that a student needs to know when you are writing coursework. Most lectures do not bother or mind about the way you package your work. In comparison, there are those lecturers who mind looking at your work and how your package it. And there are those lecturers who take that packaging of the essay to be an added advantage to the students because this is where the lecturers can give you extra marks. 

There are various ways to make sure that the response of the help-seeking first before you can inquire from your friends. Not like most students will convince themselves that the content in the methodology section is significant. 

Many lecturers are in business, and they award marks to things like these.

Make sure you have a topic

Most times, students have a mindset of knowing that their assignments are complete. And they now want to make a coursework paper from it. It is not a bad move. But this also required the student to be keen and ensure that he has an excellent topic. Having a topic is how you can communicate or talk to your lecturer because this is the only way that will make your lecturer know that you know things. If a student does not remember to put down a topic, he will get little marks because it is tough to know what the student is discussing. 

Make sure the introduction is captivating

When you create or come up with an introduction, make sure you come with one that is so captivating because this is the part that your readers will find your story interesting. And also, when writing your introduction to be clear and precise. You can begin your introduction by having some statistical references like some quotes from famous people. Use the experience from the field. In this way, you will have the introduction ideas from your essay.

Simplify table of contents

In my experience, many put a lot of content in their table of content. When you put excess wordings in your table of content, it will be hard to follow and look for the information you want. If you find the information, then it will be after a long time. Do not put a lot of words in your table or use complex words. Use words that are simple to understand. Use a simple of outing your titles and subtitles. 

Simple headings consist of main headings, and then subheadings and other minor headings follow them.

Look for an easier template

In a personal way, the method you use to present your work gives the lecturer a lot of information. I do not encourage learners to have very humongous amounts of work just because the instructor tells them to have a certain number of pages. It is also very ok to have work that has fewer pages but has quality content. It is dependent on the kind of template or format you use.

Get opinions from colleagues

After you finish your coursework paper, make sure you like ideas from your colleagues. Or the people who are around you. Some writing services online can help or advise you if your work is still fake or correct. They also help you to identify where your essay has a problem or whether you can submit your work.


Make sure the source that you are seeking your information from is credible.

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Brief Guide on Different Writing Styles http://www.pbfeducation.org/brief-guide-on-writing-styles.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/brief-guide-on-writing-styles.html#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 12:59:29 +0000 http://www.pbfeducation.org/?p=52 Continue reading "Brief Guide on Different Writing Styles" →]]> It is the way an author or writer can tell his story. The styles of writing are different. The writing styles vary from writer to writer and depend on which tone and vocabulary the writer uses. Two different writers can talk about a particular topic. But they may not sound the same. It is because they have different writing styles.

The kind of writing that a writer chooses to use shows the kind of personality that he has. They are a lot of styles that writer use when making their essays. But there are mainly four styles that most authors use. The four styles include narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository style of writing. 

All writers or authors must understand the various styles of writing so that they can improve on the quality and the standard of their work. And if you are trying to find other ways of improving your writing services, you can consult with some experts in writing. And make sure that the writing service that you have chosen is very credible and very reliable. 

Types of writing styles

Below, we will give a deeper understanding of the writing styles that one can use when writing his essay. Once one master these writing styles, his writing will improve. 

Expository writing

It is a style that most writers commonly use. The main reason why writers use this method is that they use it to explain thoughts and ideas. The major purpose of this kind of writing is to help readers understand certain ideas and thoughts. This kind of writing exposes, clarifies, defines notions and ideas. When writers use this method, they elucidate points, and they do that without even raising their opinions.


  • Recipes.
  • Textbook writing.
  • Business, scientific, and technical wring.
  • Articles in How-to.

Descriptive writing

It is where authors give accounts about an event, idea, place, character. Writers will use other kinds of literal methods, metaphors to explain specific reports the way they are. The writers can use the senses like touching, smelling, hearing, seeing, and tasting to describe something. Most writers use this to connect to the readers. 


  • Describing nature.
  • Poetry.
  • Fictional plays.
  • Novels.
  • Journals.

Crucial Points to note

  1. Explanations about people, places, events in a much deeper way 
  2. It is a kind of writing that uses sensory descriptions to connect with the readers. Like the smell, seeing, taste, touching, hearing. 
  3. Uses figurative language, for example, metaphors, similes, and analogies
  4. Use of precise language.

Persuasive writing

It is a kind of writing that most authors use to lure the readers into accepting their point. The persuasive kind of writing contains the author’s views, and it has the points that back up the author’s points. 


  • Speeches.
  • Reviews.
  • Cover letters.
  • Critical analysis.
  • Advertisements.

Critical points

  1. It backs up ideas with points, justification and reasons. 
  2. It is the part where authors pints their pints down. They try to convince the readers to take their side of view. This kind of essay uses persuasive language. 

Narrative writing

The main reason why writers use this kind of writing is that they aim to tell stories. This writing type helps the readers visualize and imagine the events that you, the writer, are describing. The writer also applies metaphors, personification, similes, imagery, and alliterations in the storytelling. Narrative writing styles use setting plots and specific themes that connect with the people reading.


  • Novels
  • Anecdotes.
  • Oral history.
  • Autobiographies.
  • Short stories.


If you have writing that does not have a specific professional quality, you can seek advice from some writing websites.

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Writing a Term Paper http://www.pbfeducation.org/writing-a-term-paper.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/writing-a-term-paper.html#respond Mon, 28 Sep 2020 17:12:13 +0000 http://www.pbfeducation.org/?p=43 Continue reading "Writing a Term Paper" →]]> A term paper refers to the research that is normally needed by the school when the semester of the school is ending. It helps the school to evaluate and track the performance of the students on the course that the students are doing during that semester. A term paper requires one to have very experienced writing experience and must have done extensive research. This kind of writing must be analytical, well researched, well written, and organized. It must reflect the knowledge that one has on specific topics.

Topics that one needs to write a term paper

Instructors or lecturers in school usually provide their students with topics that they can choose from. However, in most cases, students can also decide to select topics of their own. Try to read articles, surf the web, blogs, magazines, and news to come up with options on the topics that you may need to write your term paper. Ensure that the research topic that you choose is concerning the objectives of course that you are doing and should interest you. If your topic of choice is interesting to write about, then writing your term paper will be more comfortable and fun.

Consider the following when choosing the research topics for your term papers.

  • Length: one of the factors that one should consider when you buy term papers should be length. Should your term paper be five pages short or ten pages long? What is the range of words that one requires? This factor will help you to select a topic because you will be able to decide how short or long your term paper should be.
  • Resources: visit your community or school library and check out for the available resources. You can also search for online resources. Ensure that you have books that are hands-on and other materials that you can use to reference your work.
  • Complexity: ensure that the topic that you are writing about is explainable by you even though the topic is too complex to write about. It is not a shame to ask questions, so if you are stuck writing, do not hesitate to ask an expert. Have your professor or instructor to help you explain the topics that you have not fully understood yet.

Starting a term paper

Before you begin to write a term paper, you need to start by following the instructions that were previously presented to you by your professor or instructor. You should make a few clarifications with your instructor before you begin to write about any topic in your term paper. Eliminate the habit of beginning your term paper late in the last minute. If you want work that is of quality, ensure that you read and plan ahead and at least create time every day for your term paper. And also ensure that you have a lot of time proofreading your work.

The best way to start your work is by coming up with a captivating and creative title. The first impression of your term paper is your title page, so ensure that you attract the person reading your work.


Term papers are typically meant to describe a concept, an idea, an event. So when writing a term paper, it has to be original, and the topic should be usually discussed in detail.

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Choosing Research Paper Topics http://www.pbfeducation.org/writing-research-paper-topics.html http://www.pbfeducation.org/writing-research-paper-topics.html#respond Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:38:35 +0000 http://testocom.satwp.com/?p=24 Continue reading "Choosing Research Paper Topics" →]]> Research paper topics must carefully be thought out for a successful research paper writing process. Writing a good quality research paper starts with choosing the topic to write about. Therefore, students must learn how to research a specific topic of interest before getting started with the topic. Here are some of the tips you need to know when searching for research paper topics:

  • Narrow Search to your Area of Interest or Study

Writing from a general perspective makes your research paper vague. Therefore, it is important to do your research around your area of study.  In your topic search, list several topics that you can write about before making the ultimate choice.

  • Be Specific in Your Topic Choice

Your research paper topic should aim at addressing a specific matter. Avoid taking a general view on a certain subject. You may not stand a chance of writing anything conclusive if your topic is broad. For example, it is more helpful to write about “Infrastructure development in Africa” instead of writing about “Infrastructure Development.” The first option is more focused than the latter.

  • Do thorough research

To be successful in your writing, it is important to have a wide knowledge about your topic of interest. If you barely understand the topic, it will most likely give you challenges when it comes to the actual writing. For that reason, take time to study around the topic and unearth all facts and information around it.

  • Take a Unique Approach

Writing on a topic that has been studied in the past can be challenging especially when past authors have exhausted it to great lengths. Although picking a research paper topic will always be somewhat related to others, you should make your topic somewhat unique.

Lookup for ways that can make your topic special amidst all the research that has been done in that area. Blend the facts and theories to a specific population or aspect to bring out something unique and specific about your study.

Below are sample topics that you can write in various disciplines

  1. Religion: The Role of Religion in Governance
  2. Ethics: Abortion in our society. Is it a choice under any circumstance?
  3. Technology: The impact of technology on today’s business
  4. Education: The inclusion of students with abilities in mainstream classes
  5. Civics: The rights and freedoms of Children in the 21st century
  6. Psychology: Study on Human Will and Its power in making personal decisions
  7. History: The development of African governments in the last decade
  8. Social Studies: Managing the affairs of the aged in our societies
  9. Geography: The role of human activities in tectonic movements
  10. Business: How technology has revolutionized business today

Final Thoughts

There are no limits to what you can study in your area of interest. However, the topic must be well-crafted and unique. Your research paper topic should have an objective of delivering a sound conclusion on your findings. The secret lies in taking the time to study your area of interest before getting started with the writing.  

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